To ensure the effectiveness of the ARCP process it is essential that the following documentation is available on the ISCP, it is a trainee’s responsibility to ensure that the documentary evidence is uploaded to the portfolio by the submission date. Failure to complete the required amount of WPBAs or submit the documentation below could result in an unsatisfactory outcome. Trainees should note that any assessments completed after the submission date may not be considered.
A clear summary document should signpost the following items:
- Learning Agreement and AES Reports
- Multi-consultant Report (MCR) and Self-assessments - Mid Point and Final
- Multi-source Feedback - at least one per placement
- Logbook - Summary totals for Higher Surgical Training (Phase 2 and 3), Summary total for placement.
- Index Procedures - Total Number and level in logbook, PBAs during this placement
- Critical Conditions - Total number and level, CBDs/CEX during this placement
- Other Workplace Based Assessments - summary
- Formal learning outside placement - summary of core courses to date (inc ATLS), summary of CPD for this placement (inc number of training days attended)
- Generic Professional Capabilities (GPC) - summary of development in this placement: reflective pieces, WBAs: (Assessment of Audit, Observation of Teaching), formal learning, involvement in activity, publications/presentations/posters.
- Professional knowledge, skills, values and behaviours
- Other GPCs
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Education and Training
Research and Scholarship
Leadership and Teamworking
10. Career reflection - reflection on placement, 1000 words.
ST6s and ST8s need to also complete the Certification or ST6 Checklist available on the JCST website, please upload to the portfolio under 'other evidence'.
Form R/Wider Scope of Practice
The review will chart your progress to date and will identify any specific training needs for the future. The results of the review will be recorded on the ISCP within the ARCP section. We advise you share the information relating to your ARCP outcome with your Educational Supervisor to facilitate further Educational Supervision.
Please see the School Structure page for Head of School, Training Programme Director, College Tutor and School Management contact details.