Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation

Category: Training - Core Surgery

Date: February 8th 2021

Location: online


Basic Principles of Fracture Fixation
Date: 8th February 2021

Time: 08:00-13:00

Venue: Online-  This course is now online only (lecture style)  and the practical element will not be taking place.

A stimulating one-day course designed for Core Trainees, SHOs, and FY2 doctors with an interest in Trauma and Orthopaedics.  The course is mandatory for Severn Core T & O trainees who must attend only once in their two years of Core training, but it is preferable to attend during your CST1  first year.

This will now be in the format of  mini-lectures and small group discussions. Participants will also receive a course manual and certificate. .

Specific techniques covered include:

• Lag screw fixation
• External fixation
• Dynamic Hip Screw
• Plate fixation.


Is free to Severn and Peninsula trainees  and £60.00 for all other candidates.

Attendance : 

Please email to request a place. Places will be confirmed upon receipt of fee. (No cost for Severn and Peninsula trainees). 

We are currently planning for 32 places but this number may change in line with evolving COVID-19 guidance.